“Let life be a nonstop and never-ending celebration of your SELF. Be so untouchable at the core that you can celebrate each moment in your life. Celebrate your ups and downs, celebrate your rise and fall. Remember, among all this, your consciousness is always shining!“
– Love n light.
Dev OM is a Himalayan yogi and spiritual guide from India. He has invented ‘Light MindfulnessMeditation’ and ‘Circle of Light spiritual phenomena’ along with 50 + guided meditations and self-discovery tools to address all aspects of human consciousness and emotional problems. He is also an internationally acclaimed author of 12 spiritual and self-help books. His books –‘Beyond Karma’, ‘The Light’, ‘The Cosmic Energy & Chakras’ and ‘21 Meditations for Empowerment’ are best sellers and have shown the path to many seekers.
Since the beginning of his work as a Life Meditation Coach and Spiritual Guide in 2005, he has assisted thousands of people all over the world to discover their spiritual path. He helped them in recognizing and using the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-evolution.
Born in 1974 in central India, a Networking Engineer and Masters in IT by education, Dev OM took on to the path of meditation and self-discovery in 1997 and kept growing in his quest for ultimate realization. He got the opportunity to learn directly with the greats like The Dalai Lama, Thich-Nath-Hanh (The Father of Mindfulness) and the great icon of compassion Mother Teresa.
He left his flourishing software exports business in 2003 and moved to the Himalayas to live there, learn and meditate. After 6 years of meditation, experiments and deep inner cleansing he finally got his realization of absolute Oneness and the pure conscious nature of life in November 2009. After that, he was guided to travel around and to learn the mystical nature of life in a normal social structure in the cities. Since then he is traveling around the world to meet and share with people the divine knowledge and wisdom he has received. He is telling people not to leave their worldly life but to have a conscious and fulfilling life. He helps them to achieve the inner state of unshakable peace, love, and joy with his simple yet profound teachings and techniques.
His major works include a great amalgamation of a western scientific approach with eastern spiritual understanding. Being a Network Engineer himself of early years, he has learned to create Internet and wifi networks. This education, his interest in quantum physics and his sadhana helped him understand the concept of oneness and synchronicity. It became easy for him to realize the concept of the energy flow and to discover the internal protocol of human consciousness in order to receive the connection with the universal or divine energy and so on.
He gives simple yet effective techniques to connect with own consciousness and to get synchronized with universal consciousness. This way a practitioner can achieve a focused and clear mind with an integrated and peaceful personality. He emphasizes the development of inner divine being and promotes the path of love, happiness, and celebration to spontaneously achieve the state of divinity inside.
Dev OM has successfully facilitated his courses and trainings in 36 countries throughout the world and his works have been translated into 7 different languages in five countries. He is the founder of OM Foundation and Dev OM Meditation Ashram & Happiness Commune Rishikesh. His work is dedicated to creating and teaching self-discovery courses, tools, books, and meditations and to support the mass human evolution.
Dev OM Profile Highlights
- Trained directly with the greats like The Dalai Lama, Thich-Nath-Hanh (The Father of Mindfulness) and the great icon of compassion Mother Teresa.
- Closed down his software export business at the age of 29 and took initiation into the spiritual life. Dedicated his life to meditation and spiritual growth.
- Lived and meditated in the ashrams of Maharshi Raman and Osho for years.
- Lived in isolation for 6 years in deep meditation in the Himalayas in the Jungle of Mcleodganj and Leh.
- Internationally acclaimed Trainer, Speaker, and Author.
- Author of 12 Self-help and spiritual books (4 Amazon bestsellers + amazon first rank holders in respective categories)
- Creator of 50+ Guided Meditations and self-discovery tools addressing different emotional and psychological situations.
- Given mindfulness talks and trainings in 36 countries including UK, Canada, USA, Finland, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Greece and more.
- Has rich experience of living in different countries and cultures worldwide. He carries a deep understanding of the human psyche and emotions.
- One of the very few non-traditional and non-yoga modern meditation master who has dedicated his life to mindfulness and to spread the light of meditation in the world. He does not promote any school of thought or any old scripture. As he says – “I am not here to create more followers to any person or any tradition. I am here to create fully aware Masters who can become true channels to spread the light of meditation in the World”
Works Highlights
• Two times Master Speaker in Berlin Forum Enlightenment Conclave, Germany, 2015 & 2016
• Given Meditation TTC in London – UK, Montreal and Quebec – Canada, Athens-Greece, Barcelona – Spain.
• Delivered talks at University of Glasgow, Scottland, UK; University of Vienna, Austria; University of South California, San Diego, USA; Punjab University Chandigarh, Lovely Professional University and Graphic Era University, India
• Was invited as a Meditation Master in The Jews Meditation annual meetup in Miami, Florida, USA
Conducted Workshops in:
- London, UK on Life Energies Management
- Delray Beach City, Florida, New York and Los Angeles, USA on Discovering Your Hidden Potential
- Athens, Greece on NVC and Compassionate Communication.
- Barcelona and Granada, Spain on Yoga, Meditation Shiva Consciousness, and Tantra Energies.
- Rome, Italy on Life Energies Management
• Regularly organizing Self-discovery retreats, Teacher Training Programs, Meditation camps at his school in Rishikesh and Mcleodganj for last 15 years.
• Imparted trainings to many organizations/corporates.
Master Dev OM’s author page on amazon